A Gender Perspective on GDPR and Information Privacy

March 19, 2022: Δίκαιο Πληροφορικής / GDPR & Προσωπικά Δεδομένα


A Gender Perspective on GDPR and Information Privacy

In 2020, over two billion people worldwide purchased goods or services online. For almost every transaction customers hand over personal information such as name, address, and credit card details. People generate data every time they go online, leaving behind information to systems with little transparency. Customers may also subscribe to newsletters or follow social media accounts in exchange for discounts or gifts. These exchanges would be fairly transparent in a physical environment, but the boundary between what is required information and what is optional becomes blurred in an online store. Combined with “invisible” online trackers, for example cookies or web-beacons the task of maintaining control over one’s online data becomes arduous. In fact, most people lack knowledge on how online information is collected and used. Online data provide unknown parties with insight excluded from the individuals concerned, and this lack of transparency goes against democratic principles. If people are given reason to distrust those who handle their information it may transfer to distrust in authorities, which in turn could lead to a serious threat to freedom of speech. This speaks for safe handling of personal data and increased awareness about privacy rights. Fortunately, governments have not ignored these challenges. Regulations that protect personal information and individuals’ right to privacy have been implemented in countries worldwide, like EU´s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Widespread media coverage preceded the new regulation, yet awareness of privacy rights does not equal an understanding of how to make use of it. Nor does it imply behavioural change. If people cannot trust that information about them is being handled properly, it may limit their willingness to share information – for example with their doctor, or on social media. Privacy is a fuzzy concept, to researchers and laypeople alike . Although many users worry about their online privacy, they do not always take measures to protect it .

Moreover, recent studies suggest that women are generally more concerned with privacy and information protection, compared to men . Still, women may be more inclined to divulge personal information on social media and in exchange for customer benefits. In the present paper, the authors set out to further the exploration of gender differences in concern for information privacy. They also take a novel look at women and men’s actions aligning with rights manifested in GDPR. Then will test three hypotheses: Women are more concerned with privacy and experience less control over their personal data, compared to men (H1), Women are more likely than men to exercise rights granted through GDPR and take measures to control their privacy and personal data (H2), and Women and men differ in their willingness to disclose personal data to gain benefits, women are less likely to share contact information, location data and sensitive information (H3).

Download the full paper below.

Recent studies suggest that women are generally more concerned with privacy and information protection, compared to men.

Source/ Author:sciencedirect.com | download pdf

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